Monday, February 2, 2015

The Gladiator

I really liked The Gladiator. From beginning to end I was thoroughly intrigued and entertained. I thought that the action scenes were very well done and that Maximus's character was portrayed very well - the extravagant hero who dies for his country. Commodus was the only part of the movie I didn't like. He was weird. The movie made me feel kind of nostalgic - not really in a sense of me remembering similar events but more in the sense of me wanting life to be more like that. I'm really fascinated by the history of the Roman empire, and I really wish there was some way to go back in time and see what it was like. I really liked Maximus. I thought that throughout the film, he portrayed behavior consistent to his character, although I was angry that he didn't ever just proclaim that he was to be made leader after Commodus's fathers death. I realize that it's Hollywood and there would be no movie had he been given power, but it just made me mad. I think that this film is relevant to most people. Obviously it is a good film to watch for people who are into the Roman empire or into combat, but it is also a great story. If I had to attach a theme or moral to the film, I guess I would say that honor trumps all else. Maximus always displayed behavior that proved that he put honor first. He always believed in the glory of Rome. He never complained about the terrible situation he had been placed in, didn't try to kill Commodus when he was given the chance, but waited until it was okay in the eyes of Rome to do so. Essentially, although I have seen the film many times, I had a great time watching it again and would recommend it to anyone and everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done Sam and I agree in many respects, honor does trump all. I think we can also agree that being honorable is a great challenge, especially under the gravest of circumstances. In any case, nice post. Glad to have you in class again! I hope you are enjoying the it thus far!
